Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Life or is it..

There are many roads I have travelled since then.. interesting, tempting, risky and boring. I have given myself every chance to be happy and to live life! I have grabbed every piece of life that has come my way. Yet.. time tends to take me back in days and memories.. where I had left a piece of Me!  

Too bad people don’t fall in love at the same pace, at the same time, for the same reasons, and it’s too bad that those emotions don’t move simultaneously. But each bit of madness moved at its own pace, one not dependent on the pace of anyone else. It wasn’t like tandem skydiving, where you were connected as you fell, where you were forced to fall at the same rate and use the same parachute. Falling in love is a solo act. You know that, just learn the hard way. You just jump and hope that your parachute will open. Sometimes, you look up and realize that you were falling by yourself, the object of your desire still on the plane, not interested in jumping and watching you descend into that scary place alone. And then you feel you are waiting for something that is not going to happen…

It hurts to know that one has to start all over again or may be its no more a start or ending. It’s only a journey now, directionless and reckless. It hurts to look back and yet it is the past that looks most beautiful. Well, sometimes you just need to step outside, get some fresh air and remind yourself who want to be and who you really are.

If I have learnt anything, it is that life forms no logical patterns. It is haphazard and full of beauties which I try to catch as they fly by. For who knows whether any of them will return. But as I pass by it’s like coming back to the room I left my fond memories and that I haven’t seen in long time, where I still try to put missing pieces of Me together.

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